Is Staining Your Deck Really Worth It?

Why its worth staining your wood deck

Whether or not it is worth staining a deck depends on a number of factors, including the type of wood, the climate, and the amount of use the deck gets. In general, staining a deck can help to protect it from the elements, extend its lifespan, and improve its appearance.

Types of Wood

The type of wood used in your deck will affect the staining process and the results. Some woods, such as pressure-treated pine, are naturally resistant to rot and decay, and may not need to be stained. Other woods, such as cedar, are naturally rot-resistant but can benefit from staining to enhance their color and protect them from the suns ultraviolet rays. Softwoods, such as pine, are more susceptible to rot and decay than hardwoods, such as cedar, and will need to be stained more often.


The climate in which you live will also affect the staining process and the results. In hot, dry climates, decks are more likely to fade and crack. Staining can help to protect the wood from the suns rays and extend its lifespan. In wet, humid climates, decks are more likely to rot and decay. Staining can help to protect the wood from moisture and extend its lifespan.

Amount of Use

The amount of use your deck gets will also affect the staining process and the results. If your deck is heavily used, it will need to be stained more often. If your deck is not used very often, you may be able to get away with staining it less often.

Benefits of Staining a Deck

There are a number of benefits to staining a deck, including:
Protection from the Elements: Staining can help to protect your deck from the suns ultraviolet rays, moisture, and other environmental factors. This can help to extend the lifespan of your deck and prevent it from fading, cracking, or rotting.
Improved Appearance: Staining can give your deck a new look and improve its curb appeal. There are a variety of different stains available, so you can choose one that matches the style of your home and your personal preferences.
Increased Safety: Staining can help to make your deck safer by providing a non-slip surface. This is especially important if you have children or pets who use your deck.

Cost of Staining a Deck

The cost of staining a deck will vary depending on the size of your deck, the type of wood, the type of stain, and the labor costs in your area. In general, you can expect to pay between $500 and $1,000 to have your deck stained. If you choose to do it yourself, the cost of materials will be significantly less, but you will need to factor in the cost of your time and effort.


Whether or not it is worth staining a deck depends on a number of factors. If you live in a hot, dry climate or a wet, humid climate, or if your deck is heavily used, then staining is a good investment. Staining can help to protect your deck from the elements, extend its lifespan, and improve its appearance.

Call (630) 489-6970 or schedule a free estimate online and restore the look of your deck today.

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